

At Eden Textile, we believe in conducting business with integrity and responsibility. Our Supplier Code of Conduct establishes the minimum standards we expect our suppliers to adhere to in the areas of labor and human rights, health and safety, environmental responsibility, and business ethics.

Key Requirements 

Labor and Human Rights
  • Child Labour: Suppliers must not employ anyone under the legal minimum working age in their country of operation.

  • Forced Labour: No forced labor, including slavery, bonded labor, human trafficking, or involuntary prison labor, is tolerated.

  • Discrimination: Discrimination based on personal characteristics is prohibited in the workplace.

  • Harassment: A zero-tolerance policy for harassment or abuse in any form is in place.

  • Unfair Wages & Benefits: Wages, benefits, and overtime pay must meet or exceed applicable legal requirements.

  • Unsafe Working Conditions: Suppliers must comply with working hour regulations and provide appropriate rest periods.

Health, Safety & Environmental Responsibility
  • A Safe and Healthy Workplace: A safe and healthy workplace in compliance with regulations and industry standards is provided.

  • Emergency Plans and Procedures: Plans and procedures are in place to address potential emergencies.

  • Health and Safety Training: Health and safety training is provided to employees based on their job responsibilities and workplace hazards.

  • Environmental Compliance: Compliance with all relevant environmental laws and regulations is mandatory.

  • Supplier Environmental Responsibility: Suppliers are encouraged to minimize their environmental footprint, prevent pollution, conserve resources, and reduce waste.

  • Hazardous Materials Management: Proper handling, storage, and disposal of hazardous materials are ensured.

  • Environmental Management Systems: Development and implementation of environmental management systems are encouraged.

Business Ethics & Integrity
  • Legal Requirements: Intellectual property rights are respected.

  • Anti-Corruption: Bribery, corruption, extortion, and other unethical business behaviors are strictly prohibited.

  • Conflicts of Interest: Suppliers must avoid situations that create or appear to create conflicts of interest.

  • Confidentiality: Confidential information belonging to Eden Textile is protected and not disclosed to unauthorized parties.

  • Trade Controls: Suppliers shall comply with all treaties and international standards and regulations such as those related to international trade controls, including sanctions, antiboycott laws, export controls, import laws, and all associated reporting obligations and applicable regulatory requirements in their countries of operations.

  • Fair Competition: Fair competition is practiced, adhering to all applicable laws and regulations.

  • Gifts, Hospitality, and Entertainment: Offering gifts or gratuities that could influence business decisions or violate laws is not allowed.

Implementation, Monitoring & Compliance 

 It is our goal to build trust-based relationships with ethical suppliers and business partners who comply with this Supplier Code of Conduct. In furtherance of this goal, we take a risk-based approach to training our Supplier Partners and requiring evidence of compliance with the requirements of this Supplier Code of Conduct. We expect our Supplier Partners to fully cooperate with our reasonable requests for data, information, certifications, and audit access to verify compliance, and to obtain assurances that their business partners and producers uphold these principles.

Disclosure & Reporting Violations

Suppliers and their employees are encouraged to report suspected violations of the Code to Eden Textile. All reports will be investigated, and appropriate action will be taken.

By adhering to this Supplier Code of Conduct, we aim to foster a sustainable and ethical supply chain, where the well-being of individuals and the environment is prioritized.


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